01 Nov

MiP in the list of "The champions of growth"

The fourth edition of the "Champions of Growth" survey by the German Institute Itqf in partnership with La Repubblica Affari & Finanza
shows the list of companies that drive the recovery based on the average annual growth generated in the three-year period 2017-2020.

To be part of the ranking, companies had to comply with various criteria: having achieved a minimum turnover of 100,000 Euros in 2017 and 
1.2 million Euros in 2020; beeing a company based in Italy and grown organically without having the acquisition of other companies as a business 
model; not having committed violations. Data was also collected on the operating results of the three-year period 2017-2020 and on the number of 
We are very proud to see our company in 277th place in this ranking: an important recognition that gratifies our 
constant passion and dedication for our work.


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